14. Januar 2014

Dedicated to the legacy of Hermann Kober

In memory of Hermann Kober, the co-founder of DAHW Deutsche Lepra- und Tuberkulosehilfe e.V., who was at the head of the aid organisation until his death in 1998, DAHW established the Hermann-Kober Foundation on January 18, 2007 on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. It is dedicated to the legacy of Hermann Kober. It is its duty to guarantee the medical and social work of DAHW over the long term.

People are in demand and needed to continue and promote the life’s work of Hermann Kober, the founder of DAHW Deutsche Lepra- und Tuberkulosehilfe e.V. (formerly the Deutsches Aussätzigen-Hilfswerk – German Leprosy Relief Association) in Würzburg.

To this end there is our very lively, active DAHW charity aid organisation itself, whose global work can be promoted by making donations. DAHW continues to be effective in Germany and throughout the world even though the co-founder Hermann Kober has been dead for many years. In many countries, our staff sees to it that leprosy is no longer an inevitable fate. The lives of those suffering from tuberculosis are saved daily and those affected by these and other typical poverty-related diseases are not abandoned in their hour of need. The focus is always on the person. For several years now, our aid organisation has also been increasingly taking care of people with disabilities.

The Hermann-Kober Foundation aims to safeguard this work. It is looking for people wishing to donate larger amounts to the basic assets of the foundation (we recommend amounts in excess of € 5,000: it is practical for donations of lower amounts to be made as directly used donations via DAHW). Unlike the ad hoc donations, the foundation works with the yields made by investing the property of the foundation. The property of the foundation itself is not touched, i.e. it is kept forever.

DAHW founder Irene Kober and her daughter Elisabeth Hart in front of the

portrait of their husband and father, who passed away in 1998, in


And that is why benefactors are frequently people who have the desire to have their amassed assets work for the good of the needy, even after they themselves die. The yields of the foundation go to DAHW which, with great professionalism and human dedication, ensures that the needy receive the aid.

Contact with the Hermann-Kober Foundation:
c/o DAHW Deutsche Lepra- und Tuberkulosehilfe e.V.
Mariannhillstr 1c, 97074 Würzburg
Telephone: 09 31 79 48 0
www.dahw.de, info@dahw.de

Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a benefactor.

Account number: 3011488
LIGA-Bank Würzburg, bank sort code 750 903 00
IBAN DE27 7509 0300 0003 0114 88