15. Januar 2014

Donations in good hands

Report by the Financial Director

DAHW Deutsche Lepra- und Tuberkulosehilfe e.V. doesn’t mind showing its books to anyone. When all is said and done, it is money from donors who want to help people suffering from diseases caused by poverty. For that reason, DAHW undergoes two voluntary audits and also faces a critical evaluation of its reporting on the application of funds in the Transparency Award.

The attestation of an accountant, in compliance with strict specifications and standards, was carried out by the Hemberger Prinz Siebenlist auditing company for the year 2012. The auditing was carried out based on the regulations pertaining to Commercial Law, in compliance with the Institute of Auditor standards for auditing associations.

The auditors provided DAHW with a good report: “According to our evaluation based on the information gleaned during the audit, the annual accounts comply with the legal regulations and the supplementary stipulations of the memorandum and statutes, taking into account the principles of adequate and orderly accounting. They convey a picture of the asset, financial and profit situation of the association which corresponds to the actual circumstances.“

The audit by the Deutsche Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen (German Central Institute for Social Issues - DZI) is also voluntary. This organisation, also known as the “donation MOT” awards its DZI seal to exceptionally trustworthy relief organisations. Relief organisations wishing to be awarded this much sought-after seal must undergo a complete auditing of their finances. DAHW has been doing this for years, and provides the auditors with full insight into all of the organisation’s documentation. In this manner, the DZI can see for itself that the aid reaches those people for whom the appeal was set up.

The auditors at DZI had a good look at the finances of DAHW and approved them. Hence, DAHW was once again awarded the DZI seal of approval for being a trustworthy relief organisation.

The third audit, which is also voluntary, is participation in the transparency prize of the PriceWaterhouseCoopers auditing company. Along with experts from the Georg-August University in Göttingen, their experts inspect the reporting of aid organisations with regard to the way they use the donations. DAHW has been participating in this since 2007 and has always come out above average, including in 2012. In some areas, DAHW was even assessed as being “exemplary”.

DAHW attaches great importance to these independent audits so that all donors can see for themselves that their money is in good hands and that it reaches the people suffering from poverty-related diseases.

As the honorary financial executive of DAHW, I guarantee that your donations are in good hands. We work on using this money to provide the best possible aid to the people in the projects. We see the positive reports by the independent auditors as confirmation that we have been doing a good job to date.

Peter Hofmann
Graduate in Business Management
Honorary Financial Director of DAHW