26. Juli 2013

Durability of a Strong Woman´s Work

Ruth-Pfau-Stiftung (Foundation)

In 1996, DAHW German Leprosy and Relief Association launched the Ruth-Pfau-Stiftung (Foundation). With this, her personal wish, which was at the same time the will of many friends and supporters of the doctor and nun, was fulfilled and has brought further support for her very successful work. Since then the Foundation has gathered around 1,000 sponsors from whom a significant basic capital of more than 3 million euro has been received. Returns from the basic capital and donations this Foundation support the work of Ruth Pfau and her team.

“Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre” (MALC), founded by Dr. Ruth Pfau, is working actively at a national level in Pakistan and makes detailed applications to the Foundation every year. After a decision has been made by the Foundation’s council, money is transferred to Pakistan by DAHW. With its structures and monitoring mechanisms DAHW ensures that money is used in accordance with the application.

With up to 100,000 EURO of support Ruth-Pfau-Stiftung (Foundation) has become an important source of finance, which was the founders intention when it was set up.

The composition of the Ruth-Pfau-Stiftung´s (Foundation’s) team is wellmanaged by its statutes: One member chosen by Dr. Ruth Pfau, during her lifetime, thereafter by DAHW. Whilst she, in particular, is entitled to appoint herself, three members can be selected by DAHW itself and one member by the congregation of the Töchter vom Herzen Mariä, holy order of Dr. Ruth Pfau. In agreement with her the holy order decided to give this honorary office to the monks of Maria Laach monastery.

The Foundation’s Council consists of Father Franziskus Berzdorf (Chairman), Franz Barthel (Deputy Chairman), Monika Huesmann, Prof, Dr. Martin Gertler, Dr. Ruth Pfau and honorary member Dr. Wiltrud Wendehorst.

The Board, consisting of three people, is appointed by the Foundation’s Council; however, members of the council cannot be appointed as Board members at the same time. The current Board consists of: Susanne Knoch, Nicole Hohmann and Harald Meyer-Porzky.

The ONLINE PRESENTATION of the Foundation had been completely redesigned on a voluntary basis. It is worth reading the most recent stories about this project.

Mervyn Lobo (in the middle) and Dr. Ruth Pfau in conversation with an authority representative. Photo: DAHW

Sponsors often ask how work in the project is organized, as Dr. Ruth Pfau is more than 80 years old. On the one hand she is still active on a daily basis and visits projects, even in remote areas; on the other hand she has also formed an excellent group of experts over the past decades. She is very happy about the recent development in the management team. The previous Executive Director of MALC, Mervyn F. Lobo, is now Chief Executive Officer of Ruth-Pfau-Stiftung (Foundation). For more than 20 years Mr. Lobo has been working for the MALC, recently he managed the emergency aid as well as the reconstruction after the floods.

“We are confident that you will lead MALC to be operationally successful and into a democratic future which is a permanent element of our identity. Congratulations on this well-earned appointment”. With these hearty words Dr. Ruth Pfau ends the appointment letter that Mervyn Lobo received for his professional advancement.

The MALC Board of which Dr. Ruth Pfau is Vice-President chose Mervyn Lobo, a long-term employee, to be the new man at the top. After his studies in economics, Mervyn F. Lobo continuously developed himself within MALC and is one of the long-standing confidantes of Dr. Ruth Pfau. He knows her work more than most others. Several visits in Germany showed him from where exactly the money comes and which effort one puts in. Ruth-Pfau-Stiftung (Foundation) congratulates Mervyn Lobo on his appointment and wishes him a lot of success for the upcoming tasks.

Overview Annual Report 2011