26. Juli 2013

Offering Hope With the Last Will

Investing in the Future

Almost 55,000 people supported the work of DAHW in 2011 with their donations. They are convinced that DAHW will help those people suffering from leprosy, tuberculosis or other diseases of poverty or, who are being excluded due to the consequences of the disease, in a meaningful way.

The trust in the long-term and sustainable work of DAHW is the reason why most of the donors support the Association for several years or even decades. One of them was Maria S. who died at the age of 96, but continues to support the work of “her” Relief Association.

Being convinced by mission and action of DAHW and filled with the will to improve the life situation of ill people in poor countries, she decided DAHW to be inheritor. The decision of Maria S. has already been documented in 1963, throughout her life she did not change her mind.

In 2011, almost 17% of DAHW´s overall income came from inheritances and estates. This is an important factor for the Association, 70% of the income of which consists of donations and legacies. In contrast to grants from institutions like the Federal Government, European Union, KfW (German Reconstruction Loan Co-operation) or Global Fund, donations are the basis for long-term work, which plays an important role especially when it come to diseases of poverty, like leprosy and tuberculosis.

A great number of donors have been contributing regular donations for many years. The kind of support that Maria. S. decided to give from a young age is more widely understood by the public. Almost every charitable organization is in contact with people, who want to make provisions to ensure that values of their life are sustained/remain alive, even after their death. Help for people in need should be insured even in the future, this is what they want to express with their last will.

And yet in many places there is ignorance and therefore consequent insecurity. A recently published study shows that one third of the Germans do not know anything about the important terms in inheritance.

This means that information is essential, irrespective of whether someone wants to include a charitable organization like the DAHW or not. For the manual “Lebensspuren hinterlassen” (Leaving traces of life), published in 2011, DAHW collected much important information on how to write a good will.

Overview Annual Report 2011