09. Januar 2012

Report of the Treasurer

Dealing with donations responsibly - DAHW has passed all financial audits successfully

Auditors from two independent organisations had a very close look at the finances of DAHW German Leprosy and TB Relief Association. Both the accounting firm Solidaris and the German Central Institute for Social Issues (Deutsche Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen, DZI) have attested the DAHW that its finances are in good condition and that the donations are in good hands.

The auditors of Solidaris found that “the 2010 bookkeeping and the balance sheet as of 31 December 2010 are in accordance with the principles of proper accounting”. They confirmed DAHW’s accountancy to be “correct and proper and that the audit concerning the utilisation of donations received gave no reason for complaints”.

Apart from that, DAHW has been undergoing voluntary audits by DZI for years - DZI is better known as " the MOT for donations". In this context. DAHW has once more received the sought-after donation seal from the DZI. This DZI seal is an indication for donors that they can trust DAHW.

The fact that our donors and partners trust DAHW was especially visible in the reactions to the flood catastrophe in Pakistan: DAHW received exactly 3,912,352 Euro in donations for flood relief in Pakistan; of this amount, the DAHW received more than 800,000 Euro as a partner of the "Alliance Development Works" (BEH).

Despite this very good result, the DAHW had to take out more than 500,000 Euro from its reserves. Experience has shown that every big catastrophe leads to a shift in donations: We created a Pakistan fund using a total of 2.5 million Euro of the donations for flood relief. With these funds, the partners on site will be able to finance all necessary supporting measures in the years to come.

At the beginning of 2010, the situation looked quite different: The horrendous earthquake in Haiti sparked a wave of helpfulness. DAHW deliberately didn't ask for donations for themselves, but instead supported appeals for donations to the BEH partners who have been working in Haiti for a long time and who specialise in emergency relief.

Many people who support DAHW's work against the diseases of poverty on a regular basis also donated money for these two big catastrophes - trusting that it will be used to carry out sensible work and provide the right help. DAHW will continue to be measured by these standards of trust.

On behalf of the entire DAHW Board and as DAHW's voluntary Treasurer, I would like to use this opportunity to express my thanks to everybody who supports sensible and sustainable work in poor countries. Without your support, neither everyday work such as fighting leprosy, tuberculosis or other diseases of poverty nor sustainable help after big natural disasters would be possible.