29. November 2010

The bodies of the association

The Annual General Meeting fixes the guidelines for the work of DAHW German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association.

The members receive the Honorary Board’s annual report and approve it in the Annual General Meeting on the basis of the auditor’s report. Any natural or legal entity can apply for an unlimited membership in writing. The Honorary Board decides on admittance. The Annual General Meeting elects a President for a term of five years, as well as seven further board members. On 20 June 2009 the Annual General Meeting elected a new President and a new Honorary Board.

The Honorary Board is elected by the Annual General Meeting. It consists of eight members, who have to be members of the Association. The members of the Honorary Board elect the Vice-President, the Treasurer and his deputy from its ranks. The Honorary Board formulates its bye-laws. It decides on guidelines for project support, the annual budget, the annual statement of accounts and on support for project applications submitted. The Honorary Board appoints the Chief Executive Officer. In 2009 the Honorary Board met for four regular meetings in Würzburg.

The President summons the Annual General Meeting. The President represents DAHW together with another member of the Honorary Board in court as well as extrajudicially.

The Treasurer manages DAHW’s assets and represents the Association in that context. He supervises the correct management of the accounts as incumbent for an Association of its type.

The full-time Chief Executive Officer conducts the businesses of the Association. In 2009 he was supported in this task by 45 co-workers (among them 18 part-time workers) in the headquarters in Würzburg as well as by five co-workers in Münster (among them two part-time workers). He reports to the Honorary Board. On 1 May 2009 the Honorary Board appointed a new Chief Executive Officer.

