25. Juli 2013

The Human Being at the Centre of Attention

Report of the Board for 2011

For 55 years the DAHW has been committed to helping those who are suffering from diseases that mainly affect the poor. At the very beginning the focus was exclusively on leprosy as more than 2 million people were suffering from the disease and its consequences then. When tuberculosis began to affect more and more people we had to expand our focus. So now we are also dealing with “neglected” diseases such as Buruli ulcer. The work for those people with disabilities caused by the disease has always been the main emphasis of our efforts. Therefore, we explicitly included it in our in 2010 published ideal.

At the very beginning of 2011 a future and strategy conference laid down the groundwork for future efforts of DAHW. The board, further honorary members of the association, representatives of several project countries, the CEO and numerous full-time employees contributed their experiences.

DAHW has strengthened its continuous efforts in the fight against leprosy. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) has put leprosy into the category of “neglected tropical diseases”, the problem has not been solved yet. Still more than 200,000 people are diagnosed with leprosy every year. We, the DAHW, cannot leave these people alone. With our specialized knowledge, accumulated over 55 years, as well as our practical experience, we can give them decisive help.

From the beginning leprosy work was work for people with disabilities as this disease can cause deformities necessitating amputations and the resulting problems. Since its establishment DAHW has also been looking after those who have long been cured from leprosy, but who are suffering from after-effects and permanent consequences.

For DAHW “community based rehabilitation” is important; this means rehabilitation in a familiar environment based on the premise that no human being should be disadvantaged just because of their disability. Together we have to fight against discriminatory behaviour which occurs constantly, for instance, during searches for employment.

The basic concepts of the future and strategy conference were a constant topic in our three Board meetings during the reporting year of 2011. The focus of DAHW´s Board was laid on providing necessary general conditions so that the Chief Executive Officer and the full-time employees can implement them.

On behalf of the Board I would like to thank all of the organization members and volunteers for supporting the realization of these general conditions. My thanks also go to full-time employees in all of our project countries as well as in Germany. Only if all parties work together, can the DAHW fulfil its future tasks that are at the centre of attention of that in need.

Not least I would like to express our gratitude to all donors. By making donations you express your extended trust in DAHW and ensure in this way our work.

Gudrun Freifrau von Wiedersperg
Honorary President

Overview Annual Report 2011