29. November 2010

Trust is good, control is better

DAHW has been audited successfully and found to be good

The finances of DAHW German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association are in a healthy state of affairs. This was confirmed by two independent institutions this year again: by the audit company Solidaris and the German Institute for Social Affairs (DZI). 

The auditors of Solidaris found that “the 2009 bookkeeping and the balance sheet as of 31/12/09 are in accordance with the principles of proper accounting” and they confirmed DAHW’s accountancy to be “procedurally correct and proper, the audit of the use to which donations are put gave no reason for complaints”. 

The German Institute for Social Affairs (DZI), the so-called “MOT examiner of donations” has thoroughly scrutinised DAHW again. As in previous years, DAHW has met the stringent requirements and has been awarded the desired seal of approval by DZI. This seal is awarded, upon application, to charitable organisations which do “true, clear and fact based” public relations, whose accounting is clear and comprehensible and which get their balance sheet audited. The seal shows the donor that he can trust in DAHW. 

In spite of these successful examinations we cannot foresee the development of the donations income. For this reason we have cautiously calculated our expenditure: for the project work in the year 2010 we are planning to spend 9,464,152 Euros. From the pages 16 and 17 you can take details about the financial support for our 241 projects.  

The crisis in the worldwide financial markets has shown us how fast hopes and expectations can be destroyed: the interest income from the reserves of the association has decreased despite DAHW’s rather conservative and long ranging portfolio strategy.

For several years we had to compensate the reduced income of donations by taking funds from our reserves. Exactly for this purpose these reserves had been built up years ago, but we have stopped this development in 2009 by numerous savings measures. 

In the reporting year 2009 we have already drastically reduced the expenses and in the years to come we also will continue this austerity policy. The contributions from the reserves have enabled us in the past years to choose carefully where to economise and thus not to endanger the sustainable work in the projects. 

In the field of administration, too, we will economise: today we already know that several of our co-workers will leave for their well-deserved retirement during the next three years. In each of the cases we will check carefully whether we have to fill the post again or whether internal restructuring enables us to possibly cancel a position.  

During the past years we often were asked why DAHW has built up financial reserves. Today we see that this decision was sensible and farsighted. These reserves enable us to react adequately on the developments of the past years without forcing us to forget the own – social – principles for co-workers and patients.



You donations are in good hands

In the scope of the 2009 prize for transparency DAHW German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association was classed as outstanding for the high quality of its reporting.
