25. Juli 2013

We lay our cards on the table

Report of the Treasurer

Donations are well managed and spent by the DAHW. This fact was again attested this year by the auditing company Solidaris and the German Central Institute for Social Issues (Deutsche Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen, DZI). Donors, numerous honorary members, journalists, famous supporters and everyone else who is interested in the work of DAHW, have the chance to convince themselves.

The DAHW German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association publishes the annual report including balance sheets and annual accounts not only in printed form, but also online and without access restriction. We lay our cards on the table because your trust, which we want to strengthen every year, is important to us.

Numerous feedback received from project countries shows the trust in the working methods and the commitment of DAHW. “If the DAHW didn’t support leprosy and tuberculosis in this way, nothing would happen.” This is often said. Patients or employees from hospitals, which we support, write to us or tell this to our employees who visit them.

Our employees in the project countries, often citizens, play an important role in our work. We thank them for the work they do themselves, which is enabled by the DAHW through the financial support of all donors.

Provision for pension payment for employees in project countries could therefore be made again during the past year. After many years of hard work, employees should not fall into poverty when they retire. However, this applies mainly to countries where there is a barely functioning social system. As a relief association we always want to do justice to our own demands and therefore feel responsible for these people.

After the floods in Pakistan in 2010, we received many donations for local aid there. As soon as immediate aid had been provided, we established reserves amounting to 2.5 million euro from donations for sustainable reconstruction. From these reserves we required 1 million euro for reconstruction in 2011. With the remaining 1.5 million euro reconstruction will be continued in 2012. More details can be found in the balance sheet as well as in the ANNUAL ACCOUNT.

You can clearly see there, how important the work of the DAHW is. Through donations DAHW supports altogether 227 aid projects in 26 countries, furthermore, 16 specific projects in which the focus is on training and further education or important research.

It is precisely this variety that provides salvation for the many people who are suffering from a disease of poverty or who are excluded due to the consequences of that disease. This variety is being supported by many people in Germany through donations and inheritances. Without this willingness to help the DAHW would not be able to improve the life situation of the poor and sick people in its projects. On behalf of patients, project partners, employees and the DAHW Board we would like to thank you.

Peter Hofmann
Honorary treasurer of DAHW

Overview Annual Report 2011