
Drei Buchstaben bedeuten Leben

Mehr als 15 Millionen Lepra-Patienten wurden mit Unterstützung der DAHW Deutsche Lepra- und Tuberkulosehilfe und ihrer Partner in der Internationalen Vereinigung der Lepra-Hilfswerke (ILEP) in den…


"Ich wollte nicht, dass mich jemand sieht!"

In Indien leiden geheilte Lepra-Patienten noch immer unter Deformationen und Behinderungen. Es gibt nicht viel, was Dr. Rajendran noch überraschen kann. Zu viel hat er als Mediziner gesehen und…


Aufruf zum Welt-Lepra-Tag am 29. Januar 2012

Seit 30 Jahren ist Lepra heilbar. Mehr als 15 Millionen Menschen konnten seither geheilt werden von dieser Krankheit, die Jahrtausende lang als „Geißel der Menschheit“ galt und die Betroffenen…


People with disabilities: A village in Sierra Leone is developing

Social workers of DAHW support sustainable work Starting pointSierra Leone is one of the poorest countries in the world, even 10 years after the long civil war (1991-2002). The country is still…


Neglected Diseases: A new laboratory for Buruli patients in Togo

DAHW strengthens competences in one of the poorest countries Starting pointBuruli Ulcer is a disease which is often called "the little sister of leprosy". The pathogen is very similar to…


Tuberculosis: Finding new paths in Ethiopia together

DAHW trains health staff - first great achievements Starting pointTwo years ago, the number of patients diagnosed with TB in the province of Arssi (region Oromia) was significantly below the expected…


Leprosy: Legacy for the dignity of humans

DAHW is building homes for former leprosy patients Starting pointApproximately four million people all over the world have to live with the long-term consequences of leprosy - chronic inflammations…


The flood and its consequences

DAHW and its partners on site particularly support people with disabilities, leprosy and TB patients Starting pointIn July 2010, there was no indication that the monsoon rain in Pakistan would have…


A tribute to Alois Pöschmann

Early Thursday morning on 14 October 2010 the Honorary President of DAHW German Leprosy and TB Relief Association, Alois Pöschmann passed away after a long illness at the age of 73. Alois Pöschmann…


Report of the Treasurer

Dealing with donations responsibly - DAHW has passed all financial audits successfully Auditors from two independent organisations had a very close look at the finances of DAHW German Leprosy and TB…


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